GEM Services

At GEM, we wish to provide services of benefit to the community as much as we wish to share our delicious honey. The following are some of the services we currently offer.


The Honey Bee Experience

Should I be afraid of honey bees? Why are bees in jeopardy? Why should I care about bees? How do I plant a pollinator garden? These questions and many more will be revealed with an exciting, Covid and physically safe experience showing a working hive up close and personal.

$25.00 for up to 4 people, with $5.00 going to the
UF Honey Bee Research Laboratory.

** Recommended for, but not limited to, ages 8 and above **



Imagine seventy thousand plus honey bees running out of space in their current hive. What do they do? They swarm – half the bees leave the hive with the queen looking for a new home.

At times they become desperate and start a hive in the most unlikely or unwanted locations. If you see or experience a swarm, GEM Apiaries would be glad to evaluate and provide a level of effort to move the bees to a safe and managed new home.

Call GEM Apiaries (813) 601-9040 or fill out the form provided.


“This experience gave us a great introduction to bees and beekeeping. We started out exploring a variety of flowers and the connection between plants and pollinators. Who knew that bees can see yellow, blue, and green. John is extremely knowledgeable and patient and a truly passionate beekeeper. He explained what a bee experiences over a course of its lifetime. We were able to get up close and personal to the bees in the safety of a covered lanai while John inspected the beehive and pointed out the queen bee, the larva, and even the pollen on the tiny bee legs. My four year old loved it too. It’s a great experience and I highly recommend it.” 

- Egle, on the GEM Honey Bee Experience